about Robyn

Relationship Coaching

About Robyn

Hi, my name is Robyn,

I am a mother to three amazing daughters, a wife, nature lover. 

Personal growth student, writer and lover of all things spiritual. 

I am deeply passionate about women’s empowerment in the realm of relationships. 

I believe our relationship can either be about supporting us to thrive in well-being while flourishing into our greatest potential or eroding our confidence and self-esteem altogether. 

I envision a world where women are seen, heard and emotionally met in all their love experiences. And we can come together in connection, harmony and sacred union to uplift each other’s qualities and strengths. 

My work in relationship coaching and soul purpose was birthed from my own painful heartache in my intimate relationship for over ten years. 

We knew we loved each other, we just didn’t feel the love between us or know how to make it work for us. 

It was an agonizing experience of dysfunctional patterns, a constant up-and-down roller coaster of emotions and pulling away cycles. 

It wasn’t until I understood the sacred dance of unity and discovered my innate power source as a woman. 

That our relationship began to shift from disconnected and shutdown to an opening into steady, devoted, consistent love and commitment. 

Today we share a relationship that has surpassed my wildest vision of what love could be. 

I now help women clear their own personal love blocks and teach them the tools, skills, feminine energy activations, and love codes so they can create their greatest vision of love and attract their heart’s desires.

About Robyn

Your task is not to search for love but to find a portal through which love can enter.”

Eckhart Tolle

Contact Robyn